Lifestyle: Benefits of Taking Breaks Away From Social Media.

I really have missed you all, my beloved readers. Sometimes I turn off the computer and try to focus more on important things, like actual life, side projects, self-care, and being in the moment. We frequently lose ourselves when we dwell on unimportant things or things that shouldn't even be on our minds, and the result is negative self-esteem.

For the most part, I just switch off and concentrate on myself because I enjoy trying my best to live out what I teach, which is "Prioritising mental health". Most people ask me, "How do you do it? I reply, "It's because I'm very comfortable and content in my own company that you can just hide and turn into this hermit, you don't communicate or blow out."

Recipe: Easy Homemade Red Velvet Cake With Cream Cheese Icing.

One of the best things about this season is that it allows you to experiment with different kinds of food.
 It encourages you to practice baking and pick up new abilities every day. I chose to make a red velvet cake this weekend since I was craving something luxurious and not overly sugary. I don't regret it at all because it was well worth it- after all she is the Queen of Cakes!

Easy Recipe : How to Make a Homemade Pumpkin Spiced Latte Cheesecake.

Hello October! please be good to us...
I adore Fall/Autumn, perhaps because of the pumpkins? maybe Halloween? Or perhaps it's just admiring how the landscape changes with the passing of the seasons. What better way to relax than by spending the evening at home with a well-deserved "cheesecake" that has been given a lovely "pumpkin spice flavour"?
How to Make a Homemade Pumpkin Latte Cheesecake.

Lifestyle: Tips On How To Take Outstanding Photos For Your Social Media Platform.

 Many people have the best phones and gadgets but still do not know how to take a proper photo but it's through no fault of theirs, to achieve a beautiful picture it's not entirely up to the kind of phone you use or the price of the product- It's about Angle, Perspective. Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.

People usually think they need to have the latest phones, items and gadgets to take a good picture, they see other people's pages on IG and start feeling bad about what they have rather than feel inspired and look at things from another perspective, I remember several times I have seen a photo on IG and I will be like "Omgosh so beautiful" but I don't have that item, therefore, I may not be able to create this exact same picture but I do have other little items I could use and then change the concept to suit my environment, Page Vibe and something that is to my liking. 
Sometimes when I add up the price of what's in my photograph the total amount is nothing more than £50, so it's all about - The Angle, The Vision, The Passion and The Motive.
I have also discovered that Taking photos from a unique, unexpected angle can make them more memorable — it tends to create an illusion of depth or height with the subjects. It also makes the image stand out since most mobile photos are taken either straight -on or from a bird's eye view.
You may have heard the saying, "It's the little things that count." It also applies to photography. Close-up images that capture small, intricate, and delicate details can make for really compelling visual content. Keep an eye out for textures and patterns like peeling paint, a gravel road, or a tile tabletop.
Also, let's talk about Lighting- 
Take advantage of the sources of natural light you can find, even after dark. This gives you a chance to play with shadows, Sometimes, using your camera's flash can improve a photo — but rarely does it do so at night. 
In already well-lit spaces, however, a flash can help to soften some dark shadows behind or beneath your main subject.
Don't be afraid to edit your photos ( Even a soft edit goes a long way).
play around with filters, Composing and taking your smartphone photo is just the first step to making it visually compelling. Editing your photos is the next step — and a very critical one, at that. Filters can be a valuable photographic tool.
I can't stress enough the importance of "Lighting" when trying to achieve the perfect photo. Light is one of the biggest photography factors. Too much light and your object end up looking washed out. Too little and the dark photo doesn’t grab your audience’s attention. When you’re doing brand photography, you want to understand how light affects the location you usually shoot in.
Early morning and sunset sun usually tend to cast the softest glow. An afternoon sun’s harsh rays often blow out a photo’s white parts. If you know how the sun and lights behave in your space, then it’ll be easier to plan the photoshoot, When I feel motivated to take a photo for my blog or IG, I check the weather and the light outside, if it's - A grey weather (I don't even bother lol) and even if I go for it, It's not a bright coloured photo, maybe something to post on story feed. 
Photography is the story I fail to put into words, In photography, there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality. To me, Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever, It remembers the little things, long after you have forgotten everything that is why when taking a photo appreciate and enjoy that moment.
Many people think it's just a simple act when one brings out a camera to take pictures. Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.
Like this lovely quote I love from- The Late Karl Lagerfeld - What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”
When I take photos, I go for the most awkward angles because I believe it's the awkward things that are most beautiful, I hope this post has been able to inspire you in one way or the other especially when it comes to taken photos. Share this post with others that may find it helpful in some way.
Feel free to comment below, letting me know your thoughts and also Email me if you prefer to stay anonymous. 
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Have a beautiful day.