Fashion: My Exclusive Interview With Fashion|Beauty and Lifestyle Blogger- Marija Pavkovic.

 I recently had an interview with the amazing Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle Blogger Marija Pavkovic, CEO & Founder of She is one of the most amazing personalities I have ever met.
 I recently had an interview with the amazing Fashion, Beauty, and Lifestyle Blogger Marija Pavkovic, CEO & Founder of She is one of the most amazing personalities I have ever met.

Virtual Lifestyle: 'I’ve Always Had Fun With Fashion And A Strong Sense Of My Own Personal Style' Exclusive Interview With Virtual Fashion Designer - MINNOW. [Women Empowerment Issue]

I recently went back to hosting some of my virtual shows which I started back in 2010, It is an online version of my Magazine (OTSM) the only difference is I interview the amazing personalities that help beautify the VU community such as (Developers, 3D Meshers, Models, Graphics And Creative Designers etc). 

Every once in a while I will be sharing a glimpse of my virtual interviews with some amazing and talented individuals I have been blessed to meet via the virtual website "VU".  I was happy to read emails from you guys telling me how you enjoyed the last interview with a previous guest on my OTS  show last year "YALLA".

[Image Edited By - Viviraa]