Beauty Chat 101: Your Skin Is An Investment Not An Expense.| Erborian Ginseng Infusion.

Self-care starts with skincare. Don't believe me? Let me give you a little example below.
So you know how I am always all about self-love, selfless acts of love, breathing in positivity, exhaling negativity, and all that, well while doing all that I realized I needed to pay attention to the language my skin was speaking and she was speaking "STRESS". Stress has a huge impact on our skin, it's something that cannot be avoided, as much as you want to be kumbaya! Life and its daily activities will have your skin screaming in different languages. I very recently decided while doing meditation, breathing exercises, working out and etc, I needed to pay extra attention to my skincare regimen as well as my health.
Before you read further please note that this is NOT an AD, it's my personal opinion about these products, and also included in this post is an authentic review from our lifestyle editor Melissa which I will share later in this post.
Erborian Ginseng Infusion Beauty Products
Erborian Ginseng Infusion 

Beauty Essentials Everyone Should Try : Yuza Skin Care Collection By Erborian.

If you are like me then you are always looking for the best skin care product out there because you know the importance of taking good care of your skin.
As you know Skin is the largest organ of the human body which is only one reason that skincare is so vital. I am reminded of this saying by Linden Tyler “Invest in your skin. It is going to represent you for a very long time.”
That's why you have to be good to your skin. You’ll wear it every day for the rest of your life.