Daily Motivation : I Am In Charge Of How I Feel And Today I Am Choosing Happiness. -Linda Bella

You are responsible for your own Happiness, do not depend on anyone to make you Happy, Happiness is a Choice, Try to Radiate Positive Vibes and Extend it to those around you, there are so many beautiful reasons to be happy, so no matter what life throws your way always think of a reason to be happy and grateful

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

You are in charge of how you feel, never let Negative people change your mood and your vibe, daily we come across different kinds of individuals with different attitudes but we must never let their attitudes affect us in a negative way, it is easy to get knocked down by negative word or criticism, however, stay true to yourself always, life tests us every day but we must never give up..


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