Self-Love : Treat Yourself Right And Live Life With Gratitude. #Selflove #Love #Quotes #Motivation

When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is show gratitude to my Creator And Ancestors/Guides, then I try to spread love and light to others around me, many people would strive to be where you are today, wake up without complaint because guess what "you are alive", some did not make it, some are strapped to medical beds, some can't even get up to use the toilet or bathroom themselves, but you- you woke up this morning, stood up, walked and felt your feet move, you had better be grateful and stop complaining about what you do not have and appreciate what you have because money can't buy "LIFE,HAPPINESS OR LOVE". Love yourself and stop waiting for other people to shower you with love and care, show yourself true love and Love will come to you , when you see a fellow male or female friend happy, be happy for them and watch happiness come to you, I am very immersed in spiritual knowledge and I understand the laws of the universe, I use crystals to heal and mend, I Sage myself when I feel any negative energy and I use my element which is "water" to cleanse my soul and body, and I welcome the spirit of love to radiate it's magical energy all through my body,mind and soul. There is magic in this world, many of us are so blind to see it, many of you live your life the way others want you to live it rather than follow your dreams, you dance to the beat of other people's drums, today is a new day, make a choice and turn your life around by showing yourself LOVE 💋May Blessing, Love and Light Be with You Always 🙏🏻🕯🔮🌙💜💙photo By @ao_photography 🌷#mua@mebyomotola 


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